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auna cables, connectors and adapters: keep your signal in good hands

When buying audio and video equipment, it's normal to focus on the technical characteristics of the device, such as power, impedance, screen resolution, etc. Yet, good cabling is an aspect that should not be neglected to get the best performance from your new gear. This doesn't mean that you need to spend a fortune on cables, adapters and connectors, but it is certainly true that by choosing quality components, all equipment will gain in performance, and sound quality will be much better.

In auna product gallery, you can find various types of speaker cables, connectors and convenient adapters. Our quality components will easily solve any connection problems between your audio and video devices. With our cables and adapters, the signal you're transmitting is in good hands and will not be subject to any loss of quality, ensuring that you get the best performance in every situation. Take a look at the items available, and don't miss the chance to equip your studio or sound system with our audio/video accessories, available at a very competitive price and easily purchased online with no shipping costs.

Why are quality audio cables so important?

Apart from devices such as wireless microphones, virtually all audio and video signals pass through a cable at some point. It doesn't matter how good the playback quality of the equipment is; poor quality cables can alter the signal, either by adding noise or distortion or simply 'colouring' its characteristics. This altering factor becomes more apparent when talking about long runs of cables. Using an analogy, cables, connectors and adapters are to your HiFi devices like tyres are to your car: no use having a powerful engine if you lose grip on the road.

auna provides you with cables, adapters and connectors that will allow you to make the most of the sound qualities of your HiFi system or car stereo by eliminating any kind of colouration and interference due to faulty signal transmission.

Cables and connectors: the main characteristics

The first factor that influences good audio transmission is the thickness of the speaker cable and its shielding, which prevents the intrusion of external noise while keeping the original frequencies intact. In addition, the thickness and flexibility of the cable can determine its durability and resistance, this being of great importance in professional applications due to the jolts and strains it can receive on a stage. When not strong enough, a cable can break internally, creating an unpleasant grounding sound when the mass and tension of the cable add up.

The second factor is the quality of the connector and its soldering to the cable. If the connector is poorly soldered or has a cold solder, there will be a greater likelihood of annoying "pops" and audio clicks, losing audio transmission with a simple movement. Depending on the material of construction of the connector, you can determine its electrical conductivity, i.e. the ability of a material to stop the flow of electricity. The most conductive materials are:

  • silver
  • copper
  • gold
  • aluminium
  • iron

Silver is the absolute best material for transmitting an electrical signal, while copper has superior conductive properties to gold, thus dispelling the myth of the supposedly better quality of gold-plated connectors: cheap gold-plated connectors have only a simple layer of gold paint, which does not improve the conductivity of the connector at all, and is only used for marketing purposes.

Regardless of the material, the best way to ensure a good result is by buying high-quality connectors, avoiding cheap plastic connectors at all costs. A good connector should be metallic, preventing breakage by crushing and having an anti-tear system that prevents disconnection with the cable.

Main types of audio connectors

Depending on the type of application, connectors have been standardised according to their use: RCA connectors are mainly used for home entertainment systems, jack and canon connectors are the standard for professional use and minijacks for portable use.

Xlr or Canon connectors

It is widely used in microphones, as well as for professional use, and it takes advantage of the connector's excellent resistance to impact in installations and stage set-ups. XLR connector, despite having three contact points (2 active and one for ground), always transmit a mono signal; the second channel is used to supply power to condenser microphones or for signal balancing. This type of connector is widely used in microphone mixers and audio recording interfaces.

RCA Connectors

The classic red and black connector is the standard for HiFi systems and home use. All HiFi amplifiers, audio-video systems and CD players use these analogue outputs, and wiring is always in stereo (which is why it always comes with 2 RCA cables). It is not particularly shock-resistant because it is specifically designed for domestic use. It is also used to send digital signals in both audio and video, but using a 75 Ohm cable and only one connector instead of two.

3.5" Minijack Connectors

This is the standard connector for portable applications that require a smaller size. Included in any portable media player, mp3 player, mobile phone or headset, and it is capable of transmitting the signal in stereo with only one connector.

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