CD708 HiFi Amplifier

£119,99 (incl. VAT)
  • 600 watt
  • 600 watt
  • Silver Metallic
Product number: 10008982
CD708 HiFi Amplifier
£119,99 (incl. VAT)
Also available in other conditions
  • Note: Product is fully functional + has minor signs of wear

    Details: Product may have a cosmetic damage on non-visible sides (back or bottom). The original box may be slightly damaged or repacked. Product comes with a 1-year warranty
  • Ready for delivery In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays. In stock and ready for you! Order now and enjoy your purchase without delays.
  • Shipping time: 3 - 5 days Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now! Receive it sooner than you think. Don’t miss this opportunity, order now!
  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Silver HiFi stereo amplifier with large brushed aluminium front panel

  • 5 stereo RCA line inputs for CD players, radios, and other AUX sources

  • 3-band equaliser with balance controller for optimal sound tuning

Product description

The Auna CD708 is a competent HiFi amplifier with versatile functionality and excellent sound. The CD708's wide array of connectivity output options are designed for seamless integration with standard home HiFi systems. A front-side headphone output allows you to quietly listen to music without disturbing others, and on the back of the unit there are five RCA line inputs for hooking up radios, cassette decks, CD players, and other equipment to the amplifier. Via the RCA line output, incoming signals can be easily sent to other devices. With 600 watts of power, this stereo amplifier can sufficiently amplify sound throughout expansive living areas. The Auna CD708 features a dynamic, detailed sound with perfectly matched bass, mids, and treble which can be adjusted with a knob on the front panel. Visually, the device has a notably elegant design with a subtle control panel and brushed aluminium front. The amplifier may be operated via the included remote control or the on-board controls. Available colours: black and silver.


  • Connections: 5 x stereo RCA inputs, 1 x stereo RCA record output, 1 x 6.3mm jack headphone output, 4 x set of speaker terminals
  • Speaker impedance: 6-18 ohms
  • Volume control
  • Bass control
  • Treble controls
  • Midrange knob
  • Balance control
  • Volume button
  • Input source buttons
  • Speaker selector buttons (A / B)
  • Standby function
  • Stands
  • Power LED
  • Cooling: aluminium heat sink (passive)
  • Power button on the rear side
  • Power remote control: 1 x CR2025
  • Power supply: AC 230V, 50Hz
Product number: 10008982

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • 43 x 12 x 29 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 4.1 kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x device
  • 1 x remote control
  • 1 x English user manual (other languages: German)

Delivery & shipment

Ready for delivery

Shipping time: 3 - 5 days

Customer reviews
17 Ratings

No review available for this item.


Lo he puesto en funcionamiento 2 veces para prueba, es un regalo.,suena diferente al Pioneer 505 rds que tengo desde hace 30 años, junto a bafles Kenwood de 100 w de salida, y el sonido es nítido, solo encontré un inconveniente y es el zumbido cuando no reproduce, quizá sea debido a parásitos externos como, wifi, redes eléctricas, uso de smartphones, radios etc, por lo demás estoy contento la estética es muy buena.

I have put it into operation twice for testing, it is a gift. It sounds different from the Pioneer 505 rds that I have had for 30 years, along with Kenwood speakers with 100 watt output, and the sound is clear, I only found one drawback and that is The hum when it does not play, perhaps due to external parasites such as Wi-Fi, electrical networks, use of smartphones, radios, etc. Otherwise, I am happy, the aesthetics are very good.


Срок эксплуатации два месяца, недостатков невыявлено, за такие небольшие деньги отличный вариант, на помещение 45 метров мощности хватает с запасом, покупкой очень доволен.

The service life is two months, no shortcomings have been identified, an excellent option for such little money, there is enough power for a room of 45 meters with a reserve, I am very pleased with the purchase.


Срок эксплуатации два месяца, недостатков невыявлено, за такие небольшие деньги отличный вариант, на помещение 45 метров мощности хватает с запасом, покупкой очень доволен.

The service life is two months, no shortcomings have been identified, an excellent option for such little money, there is enough power for a room of 45 meters with a reserve, I am very pleased with the purchase.


Срок эксплуатации два месяца, недостатков невыявлено, за такие небольшие деньги отличный вариант, на помещение 45 метров мощности хватает с запасом, покупкой очень доволен.

The service life is two months, no shortcomings have been identified, an excellent option for such little money, there is enough power for a room of 45 meters with a reserve, I am very pleased with the purchase.


Месяц назад приобрёл этот усилитель по соотношению цена качество этому аппарату нет равных, рекомендую всем.

A month ago I purchased this amplifier in terms of price-quality ratio, this device has no equal, I recommend it to everyone.


Месяц назад приобрёл этот усилитель по соотношению цена качество этому аппарату нет равных, рекомендую всем.

A month ago I purchased this amplifier in terms of price-quality ratio, this device has no equal, I recommend it to everyone.


Ottimo apparecchio. Meccanicamente solido e con linea accattuvante. Funzionalmente versatile e con una buona resa sonora. Ottimo il rapporto Qualità/Prezzo. Non mi aspettavo, in base al prezzo,
Una qualità complessiva così elevata!
Antonino Frisina

Excellent device. Mechanically solid and with an attractive line. Functionally versatile and with good sound performance. Excellent quality-price relation. I didn't expect, based on the price, such high overall quality! Antonino Frisina


Ottimo apparecchio. Meccanicamente solido e con linea accattuvante. Funzionalmente versatile e con una buona resa sonora. Ottimo il rapporto Qualità/Prezzo. Non mi aspettavo, in base al prezzo,
Una qualità complessiva così elevata!
Antonino Frisina

Excellent device. Mechanically solid and with an attractive line. Functionally versatile and with good sound performance. Excellent quality-price relation. I didn't expect, based on the price, such high overall quality! Antonino Frisina


Très déçu que les fonctions bluetooth et fibre optique ne soient pas sur cet ampli.

Very disappointed that the bluetooth and fiber optic functions are not on this amp.


Avevo bisogno di sostituire un vecchio amplificatore di giradischi che in seguito a problemi non aveva senso riparare.
Avendo un certo budget di spesa non volevo comprare amplificatori di altre marche note in quanto il costo sarebbe risultato raddoppiato. Ho quindi comprato questo ed ho visto che il suo lavoro lo fa molto bene. La stanza è di circa 25m2 e lo uso con delle casse a 3 vie di marca Wilbo.
Lo raccomando quindi anche come componente di impianto amplificatore + casse passive in alternativa a casse pre-amplificate. Se il vostro obiettivo è assemblare un impianto audio con un budget non troppo elevato ed una qualità audio buona è sicuramente da tenere in considerazione.

I needed to replace an old turntable amplifier which following problems made no sense to repair. Having a certain spending budget I didn't want to buy amplifiers from other well-known brands as the cost would have doubled. So I bought this and saw that it does its job very well. The room is about 25m2 and I use it with Wilbo brand 3-way speakers. I therefore also recommend it as a component of an amplifier system + passive speakers as an alternative to pre-amplified speakers. If your goal is to assemble an audio system with a not too high budget and good audio quality, it is certainly worth considering.


Pues. Me compre este amplificador porque tenia un Roter de segunda mano que me dio problems as desde el principio pero había momento en los que los disfrute. Tenía miedo de cambiarlos por el aúna porque me parecía un precio bajo y no creía mucho en ellos. Me equivoqué. Los tengo con dos pares de altavoces una JBL y unos de una antigua cadena AIWA he ganado en calidad de sonido un montón. La potencia para mí es más que correcta y lo tengo en un sótano de más de 40 metros cuadrados. Seguid ampliando mi equipo con más productos de esta marca. Muy contento.

Well. I bought this amp because I had a second hand Roter that gave me problems from the beginning but there were times when I enjoyed them. I was afraid to change them for the aúna because it seemed like a low price and I didn't believe much in them. I made a mistake. I have them with two pairs of speakers, one JBL and one from an old AIWA chain, I have gained a lot in sound quality. The power for me is more than correct and I have it in a basement of more than 40 square meters. Keep expanding my team with more products of this brand. Very happy.


Also für das Geld ist Er ein ganz schönes Brett. Bin schwer begeistert.

So for the money it's quite a nice board. I'm very excited.


Ich kann mich bislang nicht über die Leistung der CD708 beschweren. Die angegeben 125 Watt machen definitiv einiges aus und lassen es ordentlich krachen (sofern man möchte). Versandzeit sehr kurz.

So far I have no complaints about the performance of the CD708. The specified 125 watts definitely make a difference and let it rip (if you want to). Shipping time very short.


Ich denke nach mehreren Monaten lässt sich ein recht gutes Fazit über den Verstärker machen. Vorweg: Der Verstärker hat mich absolut überrascht und überzeugt. Die Wiedergabe von hohen bzw. tiefen Tönen erfolgt völlig Störfrei und in ausgezeichneter Qualität. Selbst wenn man mal etwas mehr aufdreht als sonst, vermag der Verstärker absolut zu überzeugen. Durch sein Design passt sich der Verstärker rigoros an die Wohnlandschaft an lässt sich sehr einfach Bedienen. Daher vergebe ich die volle Anzahl an Sternen und kann einem diesen Verstärker absolut ans Herz legen.

I think after several months, a pretty good conclusion can be made about the amplifier. First of all: The amplifier absolutely surprised and convinced me. The reproduction of high and low tones is completely interference-free and in excellent quality. Even if you turn it up a little more than usual, the amplifier is absolutely convincing. Due to its design, the amplifier adapts rigorously to the living environment and is very easy to operate. Therefore I award the full number of stars and can absolutely recommend this amplifier to you.


Das Gerät entspricht 100% meinen Erwartungen. Vor allem die gebürstete Frontplatte sticht ins Auge und macht eine sehr edle Optik, somit passt der Verstärker super in die Wohnlanschaft. Er war leicht anzuschließe, die Tiefen/Mitten und Höhen lassen sich separat regeln. Was ich auch sehr positiv fand, ist eine 3,5mm-Klinke zu Clinch-Kabel die dem Gerät bei liegt. Auch die saubere Klangqualität hat mich überzeugt, da auch die Bässe ordentlich wiedergegeben werden. Der Gesamteindruck ist absolut positiv, nur die Helligkeit der blauen Standbye-LED ist etwas aufdringlich und lässt sich nicht dimmern.

The device corresponds 100% to my expectations. Above all, the brushed front panel catches the eye and creates a very elegant look, so the amplifier fits perfectly into the living area. It was easy to connect, the bass/middle and treble can be controlled separately. What I also found very positive is a 3.5mm jack to clinch cable that comes with the device. The clean sound quality also convinced me, as the basses are also reproduced properly. The overall impression is absolutely positive, only the brightness of the blue standby LED is a bit obtrusive and cannot be dimmed.


Der Verstärker ist sein Geld Wert. Er hat für die Einstiegsklasse ein sehr gutes ausgewogenes, klares Klangbild - kein Klangbrei, alles schön differenziert, allerdings sind mir die Bässe etwas zu schwach. Bei meinem (ur-)alten Verstärker von Technics aus den 80-er Jahren waren sie deutlich druckvoller. Bedienbarkeit ist top, Abmessungen wie es sich gehört, schwer, groß und wertig, passt aber zu jedem HiFi Turm mit Standard Abmessungen.

The amp is worth the money. It has a very good, balanced, clear sound for the entry-level class - no mush of sound, everything is nicely differentiated, but the basses are a bit too weak for me. With my (very) old Technics amplifier from the 80s, they were much more powerful. Usability is top, dimensions as it should be, heavy, large and valuable, but fits any hi-fi tower with standard dimensions.


Positiv: Guter Klang, Top Preis-Leistungverhältnis
Negativ: Bendienungsanleitung mit wenig Inhalt

Positive: Good sound, top price-performance ratio Negative: User manual with little content