Linie-300-SW-BK Active Subwoofer

£109,99 (incl. VAT)
  • 150 watt
  • 150 watt
  • Black Wood
Product number: 10008970
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  • Ready to ship in 24 hours
  • 14 day cooling off period
  • Free delivery, no minimum order

Top features

  • Active Subwoofer with 25cm (10") woofer and automatic switch

  • Integrated amplifier with option for frequency and phase matching

  • Bass Reflex Frontfire design for powerful bass response

Product description

The Auna Line 300-SW subwoofer is the ideal solution for any home theatre system and theideal complement for bass weak stereo speakers.

The active subwoofer has separate controls for volume, phaseand frequency range which allow you to completely customize the sound to your ownpersonal tastes and the spatial conditions. The 25cm (10") woofer producesmassive bass, low-flying bass spheres and driving rhythms in accordance withthe low-resonance chassis.

The speaker connection terminals connect the signal-chainingwith other surround speakers. Non-slip rubber feet help the Auna sub to stand upstraight even when producing heavy bass resonance.

In order to blend in harmoniously with a variety ofresidential enviroments, the Auna woofer is decorated with an elegant design, ablack body finish and a removable speaker cover.


  • Connections: 1 x stereo RCA line input, 1 x stereo RCA line output, 4 x set of speaker terminals
  • Power: 250W Max, 150W RMS
  • Frequency response: 40Hz adjustable - 180Hz
  • Phase: adjustable 0-180 °
  • Impedance: 8 ohms
  • Volume control
  • Frequency controller
  • Phase switch
  • Auto On / Off Switch
  • Power LED
  • Anti-slip rubber feet
  • On / Off switch on the rear panel
  • Power Supply: AC 230V, 50Hz
Product number: 10008970

Dimensions and Technical Details

  • approx40 x 43 x 30 cm (WxHxD)
  • Weight: about 11.3kg

What will be delivered?

  • 1 x Device
  • 1 x RCA cable
  • English manual (other languages​​: German)

Delivery & shipment

This item is not in stock and must be reordered.

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Customer reviews
7 Ratings

Daje piękny soczysty bass


Consegna puntuale e imballaggio perfetto.
Collaudato e funzionante oltre le aspettative.
Posizionato in un angolo di una stanza 6x4 con un minimo di volume si sentono i bassi nel petto.
In questo caso è stato inserito per completare un sistema Home Theater 5.1. L'aspetto estetico è più che soddisfacente, nulla da invidiare a marche più blasonate. Sono molto soddisfatto.

Timely delivery and perfect packaging. Tested and running beyond expectations. Placed in the corner of a 6x4 room with minimal volume you feel the bass in your chest. In this case it has been inserted to complete a 5.1 Home Theater system. The aesthetic aspect is more than satisfactory, nothing to envy to more famous brands. I am very satisfied.


Altro elemento acquistato. Sempre perfetto il venditore. Imballaggi ottimi.

Other purchased item. The seller is always perfect. Excellent packaging.


Der Subwoover wurde schnell und sehr gut verpackt geliefert. Das Gerät macht einen wertigen und soliden Eindruck. Die Bass Abdeckung könnte besser befestigt sein, aber für den preis völlig ok . Das Anschlussfeld ist logisch aufgebaut und selbsterklärend. Ich betreibe den Subwoover an einen Maranz Verstärker, er soll meine Canton Standlautsprecher unterstützen. Der Subwoover bringt sehr wuchtige und druckvolle Bässe.

The subwoofer was delivered quickly and very well packaged. The device makes a valuable and solid impression. The bass cover could be better fixed, but totally ok for the price. The connector panel is logically structured and self-explanatory. I'm running the subwoofer on a Maranz amplifier, it's supposed to support my Canton floorstanding speakers. The subwoofer brings very powerful and powerful bass.


ich bin jetzt schon seit über ein halben jahr in besitz dieses artikels und zufrieden damit. preis leistung ist inordnung er hat ein stabielen halt und sieht auch optisch gut im raum aus erfüllt auch tiefe bässe die man vom 1 stock bis in den keller hört. also für leute die ein etwas kleineren geldbeutel haben genau richtig

I've had this item for over a year now and I'm happy with it. price-performance is in order, it has a stable hold and also looks good in the room. It also fulfills deep bass that you can hear from the 1st floor to the basement. So for people who have a slightly smaller wallet just right


Habe mir den Sub zugelegt. Bin sehr zufrieden. Man kann fast hören wie der Lautsprecher luftholt um dann mit echt warmen,weichen,ja fast rollenden Tieftönen aufwartet. Surprise!!!! Die Größe hat mich auch überrascht und erfreut(sattes Volumen) Im Preis sehr günstig,im Ton wirklich fett, Kann man nur empfehlen. Danke sehr

I got the sub. I am very pleased. You can almost hear how the speaker takes a breath and then comes up with really warm, soft, almost rolling low tones. Surprise!!!! The size also surprised and pleased me (full volume) Very cheap in price, really fat in tone, can only be recommended. Thank you very much


Ich bin positiv überrascht von diesem Lautsprecher. Denn zu diesem Preis darf man gerne auch kritisch sein, was die Qualität anbelangt. Er fügt sich wunderbar in den Wohnraum ein und sobald tiefe Frequenzen bei Filmen stattfinden, macht sich der Woofer erst so richtig bemerkbar. Auch bei Musik kann sich der Subwoofer echt hören lassen. Ganz egal welche Musikrichtung gehört wird, die Auna Linie300 bringt immer Druck und klare Bässe mit ins Geschehen. Ich habe den Lautsprecher nun seid knapp einer Woche und bin bis jetzt voll und ganz zufrieden.

I am pleasantly surprised by this speaker. Because at this price you can also be critical when it comes to quality. It blends wonderfully into the living room and as soon as low frequencies occur in films, the woofer really makes itself felt. The subwoofer can also be heard with music. No matter what style of music is being listened to, the Auna Line300 always brings pressure and clear bass into the action. I've had the speaker for almost a week now and so far I'm completely satisfied.