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Stay happy at home

Tips for keeping your spirits up and avoiding cabin fever

Times like these are more than unusual: spring was slowly arriving but now we have to stay at home to protect ourselves and others. The result is working at home for weeks and spending a lot of time in our own four walls. No matter whether it’s for ordered quarantine or voluntary isolation - here are the best tips on how to stop things from getting on top of you in these uncertain times.

A good start to the day

Time to wake up

From now on you can be woken up gently with your favourite radio station or catchy tune! With our individually configurable radio alarm clocks, you can rise from your slumber in your own time. Thanks to the elimination of journeys to work or continuous use of the living room, you have extra time that makes waking up in the morning much more relaxed. So why not enjoy that first coffee of the day in the comfort of your bed after pressing the snooze button just one more time.

Dance like no-one’s watching

Stress and chaos in the mornings? Not anymore! One of the benefits of staying at home is that you can do things at your own pace. So why not turn up the volume for your favourite song in the morning between the news bulletins on the radio and dance yourself awake while your next coffee is brewing? It works just as well, boosts circulation and makes you feel good. And since no colleagues are watching: you can do it again and again throughout the day. Give it a try!

Stay up to date in the bathroom

Whether you’re a morning person or not, our intelligent bathroom gadgets let you start the day with your favourite songs via voice control before brushing your teeth or when using the toilet or relaxing in the bath. auna is the perfect companion here too and lifts your spirits with the best quality sound – all while keeping you up to date with your radio stations.

Tackle new projects

Start your own podcast

Speech is silver, silence is golden? No way! Hearing the voice of a familiar person not only distracts us, but also gives us the feeling that we’re not alone. And let’s be honest: how often do we think to ourselves ‘We should have recorded that on tape’. Nothing could be simpler. With our microphones, you can now create your very own podcast and impress all your family and friends!

Sing your heart out

We all have dreams which quickly get lost in everyday life. Perhaps you’ve been wanting to start your own YouTube channel and make your own cover songs for a while now, or even let the world hear your own? If not now, then when! With our condenser microphones, you can set up your own little studio corner and see where the musical journey takes you. We can’t wait to find out!

Discover old treasures

You’ve had a pile of old records lying in the attic for years but never found the time to go through them in peace? There are often some real rarities among them. A perfect quarantine project! With our auna record players, you can listen to them all and reminisce. But maybe they’re a little dusty? Find out how to care for your black beauties here: Vinyl Care

Give your records a home

You’ve listened to all your vinyls and have perhaps even sorted them by genre or artist? Then why not create a worthy place for them to be stored with our auna vinyl boxes to stop them from getting dusty or scratched. Handy and portable, so your old favourites are always ready at your side.

Keep in contact

Personal meetings are rare at the moment – for everyone’s protection. Nevertheless, you should not forego social contact and interpersonal exchange. Telephone calls are becoming indispensable again. Whether it’s a conference call with work colleagues, long phone calls with your friends, or conversations with your grandparents – with our auna headphones, you can listen comfortably and have your hands free at the same time. You always have your conversation partners with you thanks to the hands-free function and integrated microphones.

Play to your heart’s content

Had enough of phone calls? Listened to all your favourite albums? Then it’s time to game! Diving into the action of the game with full sound and noise cancelling not only provides a welcome change of entertainment, but also lets you experience the game in a completely different way. And your neighbours or flatmates will thank you for it as they won’t notice a thing: Win-Win!

A relaxing end to the day

Take a break on the balcony

Despite the circumstances, we all want to enjoy the springtime as much as we can. For those who are lucky enough to own a balcony: grab some cushions, the book you’ve been wanting to read for ages, and catch some rays. And the icing on the cake is auna’s little Bluetooth speakers which you simply take outside with you. A little background noise will let you escape from daily life as you soak up that vitamin D in total relaxation.

Quarantine Cooking

"Fresh and healthy food is all the more important right now. But maybe you’re not a kitchen pro at the minute or just want to try one of grandma’s old recipes with your kids? Thanks to the built-in tablet holder of our auna Connect Soundchef kitchen radios, quarantine cooking becomes smart cooking. The chefs of the old guard can tell you their cooking tips live and in colour while watching the kids stir the food and keep in loving contact at all times. All with that rich radio sound on top. So everybody benefits. Mmmm! "

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